Sunday 22 April 2007



My name is Elizabeth and this blog is going to be about the search for an understanding of the lives of the Remington family. It is a work in progress.

I am obsessed with family history. Why?
"It seems that without the reasurance of a sense of belonging, many people feel anxious and insecure."
My passion has grown to an interest in everyone and everything ordinary. I am often led astray from my original questions. I am very disorganised and there is no structure to my research so this will (I know) end up as a piecemeal collection of interests some of which will only have a very loose connection to the Remington theme.

Why a blog?
Well I am always loosing things. This will force me to focus. I am always full of good intentions which somehow I never get around to. And this is a good way for other members of the family to see what I have been up to. Also having suffered from a complete computer crash - storing things on here I hope will keep them safer.

An invitation.
This is not just my work. Please get in touch if you have any comments or information to put on here. I am well aware that most of my knowledge so far is not from my research but from the hard work of others and I am very grateful that they have shared this with me. I am a novice at this and I do not claim to be an expert, so I shall almost certainly make mistakes please, please point them out to me I will not be offended in fact I shall be most grateful. Also much of historical analysis is based on interpretation and I would welcome other peoples opinions too.

I would like, in particular to thank the following people who have helped me so far.

Isabel for the family tree and information about Richard Slinger Remington.

Rene for photographs, information on various Remingtons and the book "A Victorian Quaker Courtship" by John Dilworth Abbatt.

Margaret and Graham for the book "Childhood in Wyresdale" by Isabel Remington Swarbrick, information on various Remingtons and the wonderful wonderful trip to Wildboarclough.

David and Pearl for letting me photograph the stick.

Mum for information about various Remingtons and for listening to me going on and on about family history.

All the people posting interesting family history on the internet and making it available to anyone to view. For sharing your hard work, providing inspiration, suggestions for further research and for providing background information.

Including the Australian Remington family tree.

I am not going to put any living "Remingtons" on here, other than maybe anecdotes. I will always try to get permission before posting, if I do post something and you object then please contact me and I shall remove it. No surnames of living "Remingtons", nor present addresses.

Postings will not be in any particular order, nor on a "regular" timetable.

I hope you find something of interest.

1 comment:

The_Grandad said...

Hi Elizabeth,

First of all, great blog.
My name is Lee and I am studying at University in Preston, reading Theatre and Creative Writing. For part of my degree course I have decided to research into Theatrical History in Preston. My main focus is a play which was performed here in 1802 called "Folly as it Flies" a comedy written by Frederick Reynolds.
The reason I am writing to you is because In this particular play, there are three actors, Mr, Mrs and Miss Remington who seemed to be employed, or certrainly based, at the Theatre Royal and have performed together in the same plays. This is, naturally, of great interest. Upon trying to search for the history of these people I came across your website and I would very much love to take advantage of any knowledge you may have.

My e-mail adress is or

Thank you for your time and I would be so excited to hear from you.

All the best,